Friday, March 8, 2013

Questions for 5.2-5.3 Salmon Hand out

What type of salmon are the most sensitive to low ph level waters

Questions for 5.2-5.3 Salmon Hand out

What type of salmon are the most sensitive to low ph level waters

Salmon!!! Baby S A L M O N.

Copper, (Cu) is essential to the growth and metabolism, of fish and other aquatic life.

But it can cause irreversible harm at levels slightly higher than those required for growth and reproduction.

Very low concentrations of dissolved copper can have acute and chronic toxic effects on fish and they're prey..

Giattina et al, observed that at sub-lethal, concentrations of copper, rainbow trout, avoided contaminated water, but as levels gradually increased, individuals were attracted f higher concentrations that are considered lethal

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Weirdest Inventions In History

The weirdest invention is probably the bike tire, used as a swimming aid, invented by, Italian. M Goventosa.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Why change anything about yourself?

Why change anything about yourself?

I wouldn't change anything about myself, other than my attitude and my respect towards my self and others. Also, I would change how my actions look, and how others see my actions as.

List 10 things you want to accomplish before it's too late;

List 10 things you want to accomplish before it's too late;

Before it is too late I want to meet Justin Bieber,
Graduate from middle school into High-School,
Join the Navy Seals, (If I can't I will go to College)
Go to College at Notre Dame,
Be a singer,
Be an actress,
Meet a lot of famous people I wish to see,
Change my ways, attitude, and my respect to myself and others,
Go sky diving,
And, travel all around the world. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

When Two Guys Gave Me And My Friend A Free Drink

I hadn't seen my friend for a whole summer, but then I saw her at Bentley Mall in Fairbanks. I ran over to her, and asked her "hey! Do you want to go out for lunch?" She replied "yes!". So we went out for lunch, and these two guys bought us a free drink, they got us two cokes. The waiter came over and said "Those nice gentlemen over there bought you these drinks." That was the weirdest moment in my life at a restaurant.

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Expendables 2

The men on The Expendables 2, are all very talented and go through a lot in the movies. They go against more people than they're crew. They have like, 12 people on the crew. In the end, they always win they're battle...